Cefn Mawr health centre petition nears 2,000 names

More than 1,650 people have signed a petition calling for a new health centre in Cefn Mawr.

Residents and local councillors want a new premises for Caritas Surgery at the former Co-op site on Well Street.

Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board says there are ‘complexities’ over the location, but has been encouraged not to miss ‘a golden opportunity’ by Cefn Community Council chairman Ken Bathers.

More than 1,650 people have now backed a petition launched by Cllr Bathers, county councillor Derek Wright and Assembly Member Ken Skates in mid-October.

Cllr Bathers said ‘the final push has begun’.

He added: “The vast majority of residents from the catchment area are fully supporting our campaign, and the number of people wanting a new facility on the old Coop site is overwhelming.

“When gathering names for the petition, people were telling me it is long overdue. Our old clinic on is not suitable any more in the 21st Century – we want and deserve a modern facility like other areas have had.”

Mr Skates, the Labour AM for Clwyd South, added: “I’d like to thank everyone who has signed the petition – we’ve had an incredible response.

“To have more than 1,600 people show their support in less than two months is amazing, and it clearly shows the strength of feeling in the area. We will present the petition to the health board in the new year and will continue to urge them to bring forward plans for a new facility for Cefn as soon as possible.”

Cllr Wright added: “The level of support has been marvellous and hopefully will show the health board the need for a new medical centre in Cefn. I’d like to thank the public and also all who have given up their time to help collect the signatures.”

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Author: Ken Skates MS
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