Wrexham police praised in Senedd by Clwyd South MS Ken Skates

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Two Wrexham politicians have praised police officers for their dedication to protecting the public during a Senedd discussion about anti-social behaviour.

Ken Skates and Lesley Griffiths both placed on record their admiration and respect for frontline North Wales Police officers on Tuesday (September 27).

Trefnydd and North Wales Minister Ms Griffiths, deputising for Mark Drakeford during First Minister’s Questions, was asked by Welsh Labour MS Jane Bryant (Newport West) what the Welsh Government is doing to tackle anti-social behaviour.

Crime and policing is not-devolved to Wales, and falls under the remit of the UK Government. However, the Welsh Government has increased the number of frontline officers it funds in the wake of huge cuts to police budgets from Westminster.

“While policing is a reserved matter currently, we are committed to continue to doing all we can to help reduce anti-social behaviour, working closely with the Home Office, said Ms Griffiths. We are currently funding 600 police and community support officers to help keep people and communities safe across Wales.”

Mr Skates, MS for Clwyd South, said: “Can I thank Jayne Bryant for raising this important issue today? Trefnydd, I was in Coedpoeth, a community that you’re familiar with, very recently on patrol with the local police there. I was astonished by just how much they know about the communities that we serve and the people that live in them.

“Would you join me in thanking all of our police forces, and in particular those community support officers that do so much to contain and limit anti-social behaviour across Wales?”

Ms Griffiths responded: “Yes, I absolutely would join with you in commending the work that they do. They’re very visible on our streets, in our villages, and obviously I know Coedpoeth very well.

“I think the reason that we brought forward the funding for another 100 PCSOs, plugging Home Office gaps, shall we say, was in relation to making sure that that support is on our streets, making people feel safer.”

After his recent patrol with Sgt Nathan Harvey from North Wales Police’s Wrexham Rural team, Mr Skates said: “It was a really interesting morning, and it was great to get out with Nathan and get an idea of what our frontline officers are dealing with day to day in keeping the public safe.”

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